GTA 6: Rockstar’s news game likely to have biggest map ever

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gta 6, rockstar, grand theft auto, vice city,

Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 6 is likely to have the biggest map ever for players to explore as the game is set to release sometime in 2025.

While the first official trailer of the highly anticipated game was launched in December last year, Grand Theft Auto 6 faced several issues ranging from leaks to a likely delay till 2026.

Meanwhile, fans were speculating about the scope of the map GTA 6 might offer to players. The official trailer along with several leaks has resulted in expectations that it will have the biggest map in a game published by Rockstar.

Fans assume that GTA 6’s map will be even larger than Red Dead Redemption 2 which itself spanned across the length of North America.

It is pertinent to mention that the sixth instalment of the game will be released more than a decade after the previous title which was released in 2013.

Read more: GTA 6: Rockstar’s new game may be delayed to 2026

GTA 6 is expected to take place in the fictional Vice City inspired by Miami, Florida and surrounding areas.

However, the game is expected to not only feature several cities but also the surrounding areas including the Keys (Gator Keys), mountain areas, ports and more.

By compiling all the map information obtained from the official trailer and several leaks, one user on r/GTA6 issued a list of places which proves that players will have a huge map to explore.

“We all know this game will be set in Florida. What a lot of people don’t know is that the game will feature surrounding states, and parts of them. Mainly Georgia,” the user wrote.

Rockstar, however, has not confirmed or denied the speculations regarding the GTA 6 map leaving the fans with opportunities to throw their two cents on the likely map in the upcoming game.

As the rumours surround the release and the likely gameplay of Rockstar’s upcoming game, fans were hit with discouraging news as its publisher hinted at a hiked price of the game.

According to Take Two CEO Strauss Zelnick, GTA 6’s price tag should be higher than the usual of around £60 to £70 in recent years.

Zelnick said that AAA games should have a price tag based on their “per hour value”. This means that games should be priced based on how much gameplay players can get out of them.

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